Who can join HealthyNikah?
Our platform is inclusive and open to individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. HealthyNikah welcomes healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, and others. We also invite those interested in marrying healthcare professionals, regardless of their own profession.
Do I have to be from a particular country?
HealthyNikah has no nationality or ethnicity restrictions and our platform is open to individuals worldwide. We celebrate diversity and believe in fostering connections beyond geographical boundaries. Embracing members worldwide, HealthyNikah encourages cultural exchange and appreciates the richness diversity adds to relationships.
Is it Islamically compliant?
Yes, HealthyNikah adheres to Islamic principles and values. We understand the importance of maintaining Islamic guidelines and practices in the context of matrimonial services. Our platform is designed to provide a halal and respectful environment for Muslims to seek compatible partners and build meaningful relationships in accordance with Islamic teachings.
How does the match process work?
Once you’ve found a profile you like, go ahead and send a request! Once this is accepted, you are both able to view a picture once. Contact information is given to both parties so you can take the steps towards evaluating compatability inshaAllah.
What is a match credit?
Match credits are required to request another profile.
Credits are used only if the match is successful and
both parties agree to exchange information. If the
request is unsuccessful the credits will be returned to
your account.
What if I don’t want to be posted on social media?
Although our approach of posting profiles anonymously greatly increases your chances of finding a match, if you do not want to be posted on social media, you can select this option when signing up.
What information is exchanged following a successful match?
Name, phone number and parent’s number
How much does it cost?
Name, phone number and parent’s There is a nominal one-time registration fee of £10. You will need match credits to request other profiles. You have the option of 3 match credits for £12 or 10 match credits for £30.
Why is there a one-time view policy for pictures?
Our one-time view policy is for the safety and comfort
of our candidates whilst ensuring a fair evaluation of